Coyle School Foundation Grant Application
Please complete the information below to submit a grant request to the Coyle School Foundation board of directors by October 15 for Fall Grants and February 15 for Spring Grants.  Email any supporting documentation of your grant request to  Notification of approval/decline will be communicated after the respective board meeting. and funds must be used within 6 weeks of award notification unless otherwise approved by the CSF board.
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Teacher Name *
Program/Item Requested *
Program/Item Cost (including shipping & other fees) *
Grade(s) & Number of Students Served *
How long will the grant be used? Can the program/item be used more than once? *
How will the program/item enhance the educational opportunities of Coyle School students? *
What educational goals will be addressed by this program/item? Include any professional research or national, state or local standards that would be achieved. *
How will this program/item create an innovative and creative learning environment in your classroom? *
Describe the impact of this program/item on the student learning experience. *
Are you aware of any other funding sources for this grant request? *
If Yes, please describe any efforts to obtain alternative funding.
Has this grant request been discussed with Coyle School administration?
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