ABUELAS Audience Survey
Local Theater Company is pleased to present the Local Lab 11 reading of "Abuelas," a Bilingual Play written by Stephanie Alison Walker with translation by Paula Pizzi-Black, directed by Gabriella Cavallero. Your feedback is important to the process of new play development. Please take a moment to answer the following questions. Your responses will only be shared with the creative team. Thank you!
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First name (optional)
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Email address (optional)
What themes or images struck you in "Abuelas"?
What specific story moments stood out to you?
What characters did you root for? Was there any character you wanted to know more about?
How much did you know about the historical background of the play before viewing?
Tell us how your experience was with this play if English is your first language.
Tell us how your experience was with this play if Spanish is your first language.
Tell us how your experience was with this play if you are bilingual.
Were you ever lost during the reading? If so, please tell us where and what language is your first language. *
Is there anything else we should know about your experience watching "Abuelas"?
Would you like to see a full production of "Abuelas"? Please explain why or why not.
Was this your first experience with Local Lab?
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What was the highlight of Local Lab?
Did you experience any challenges at Local Lab? If so, we warmly invite you to share.
The following questions are optional and help our organization with grant writing. What is your age group:
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What is your zip code?
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