Eat Like a Pig.
Read the story out loud!
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English name: *
Number: *
Class: *
What do you think it means to "Eat like a pig?"
1. At the beginning of the story, pig and poodle are ... *
1 point
2. From the picture, we can guess a "napkin" is... *
1 point
3. From the picture, we can guess a "paws" is like... *
1 point
4. From the picture, which word do you think means to drink in a NOISY way? *
1 point
5. From the picture, we can guess "chew" is like... *
1 point
6. Why is pig angry in the second picture? *
1 point
7. From the picture, we can guess "wipe" is like... *
1 point
8-14. Choose if the following things are Polite (有禮貌的) or Rude (不禮貌的) *
7 points
Polite :>)
Rude >:(
Eating with your hands/paws
Slurping your drink
Talking when you chew
Asking to pass a food/dessert
Wiping your mouth with a napkin.
Putting dishes in the sink.
Not helping to clean the table.
Manners = 禮儀
Teachers love to say: "Mind your manners!" (注意你的舉止)   It means, "Please be polite!" (請客氣點)
15. In this story, what does it mean to "Eat like a pig?" *
1 point
Eat like a cute pig...not like this!
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