Basic Sports Science Quiz 11
Nutrition - Part 1
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Which of the following is beneficial for prevention of cataracts?
1 point
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Which of the following is associated with an increased chance of developing colon cancer
1 point
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Which of the following is associated with a reduced chance of developing colon cancer
1 point
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Which of the following is most commonly associated with an increased incidence of stomach cancer?
1 point
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Consumption of fruit and vegetables is a associated with a reduction of which of the following
1 point
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Which of the following is a measure of the energy content in our foods?
1 point
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Which of the following represents the energy content of digestible carbohydrates?
1 point
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Which of the following represents the energy content of fats?
1 point
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Which of the following represents the energy content of proteins?
1 point
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Which of the following does not explain why alcohol is called an anti-nutrient?
1 point
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Which of the following represents the energy content of alcohol?
1 point
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Which of the following may result from excessive alcohol intake?
1 point
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Which of the following represents the approximate energy expenditure attributable to resting energy expenditure?
1 point
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Which of the following represents the approximate energy expenditure attributable to energy expenditure associated with the thermic effect of feeding?
1 point
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Which of the following represents the approximate energy expenditure attributable to energy expenditure associated with the physical activity?
1 point
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Which of the following affect energy expenditure?
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Who requires most energy per kg of bodyweight?
1 point
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Who requires the least energy per kg of bodyweight?
1 point
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Who needs the most energy per kg of bodyweight?
1 point
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Which is the gold standard for measuring energy utilization?
1 point
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Which method measuring energy utilization requires wearing of a mask, hood or mouthpiece?
1 point
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Which method measuring energy utilization requires wearing of an accelerometer such as a Fitbit or Applewatch?
1 point
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Weight gain occurs when
1 point
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Which is most likely to lead to a reduced immunity and an increased chance of infection?
1 point
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Which energy source is used by the neurons in the brain?
1 point
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Which energy source is used by the skeletal muscles?
1 point
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Simple sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose are classified as
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Carbohydrates that require digestion (e.g. starch, amylose and amylopectin) are classified as
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Carbohydrates which are supplied in a complex food matrix such as bread are classified as
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The carbohydrates in sports drinks are classified as
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Donuts and other carbohydrates which are provided with levels of high fat are classified as
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What the main source of energy at low intensity exercise?
1 point
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What the main source of energy at high intensity exercise?
1 point
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What the main source of energy at moderate intensity exercise?
1 point
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In the body, glucose is stored as
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Fatigue occurs when the body runs out of
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Chronic exercise develops our endurance by  adapting our body to
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Which of the following will help an athlete meet their carbohydrate requirements?
1 point
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Approximately how much protein can we maximally absorb in a meal?
1 point
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Protein intake after training can help recovery
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Plant proteins are complete proteins (that is they contain all the essential amino acids)
1 point
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Essential amino acids are the amino acids that the body can synthesize.
1 point
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Which of the following is most beneficial for the body?
1 point
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Which of the following is solid at room temperature (e.g. lard)?
1 point
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Essential fatty acids are necessary for good health
1 point
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Fat in our diet is always undesirable
1 point
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Which of the following are beneficial properties of fat in our diet?
1 point
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Which type of vitamin is required for metabolic and energy functions?
1 point
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Which type of vitamin is/are antioxidants?
1 point
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Which type of vitamin is/are required for bone health and calcium regulation?
1 point
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Which type of vitamin is/are water soluble?
1 point
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Which type of vitamin is/are fat soluble?
1 point
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Which type of vitamin can cause ill-health because they accumulate in the body?
1 point
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Which age group has the highest calcium needs?
1 point
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Who has the highest iron requirement?
1 point
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