Tax Proposal Request for an Individual
Please complete these short questions about yourself so that we can tailor a proposal for your tax service needs.

After you fill out this proposal request, we will contact you to go over details before the proposal is completed. If you would like faster service and direct information on current pricing, please contact us at (021) 180-4616 or

DISCLAIMER: The proposal we send you is based on the information you supply to these questions. Should this information change then it will impact the proposal estimate.

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Welcome to Zeelie Professional Accountants SA - please answer the questions that follow and submit your request to receive a proposal based on your needs.
1) What industry are you in? Tell us about the work you do, we need to understand you a little better. *
2) What is your Tax number? *
3) Are you a Provisional or Non-Provisional Taxpayer? *
4) Are you a director of any companies? *
5) What is your total annual income? *
6) Do you have rental properties? *
7) Do you earn investment income in excess of R30 000 per annum? (ie interest, taxable dividends) *
8) Do you have a side-hustle or trading activity where you earn extra income?  *
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