EUMASLI Q&A: There is no such thing as a stupid question - online event
Considering applying to EUMASLI 4? 🤓📐🧠

Sandra Schügerl, Leyre Subijana & Karolien Gebruers - three excited EUMASLI 3 graduates - will answer all your questions (also the ones you don’t dare to ask the professors 😅).

We will host a free online session on Thursday 30 July at 19:00 CET. This one-hour session is fully supported by the EUMASLI staff but unfortunately they are not allowed to join us, it's a graduates/applicants only session. 😃

If you fill in this form you will receive the link to the Zoom session.
We will only use these data to prepare the session. The data will not be shared with others.

Interpretation English/International Sign will be available.

We hope to see you then!

Karolien, Leyre & Sandra.

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