RETURNING STUDENTS - Summer 2024              Registration for Gemara Boot Camp
This course was reviewed by R’ Aryeh Lebowitz (RIETS Director of Semikhah) and is taught by R' Yitzy Radner and R' Akiva Fagin over ZOOM.  

* * SUMMER   Z'MAN   I:    June 30th  -  July 25th
* * SUMMER   Z'MAN   II:   August 4th  -  September 5th

COURSE LENGTH: The course is comprised of 8-10 sessions (1hr. 15 min sessions) typically taught over the course of 4-5 weeks.  Once enrolled, students are given access to attend the live sessions and to the class recordings.  

CLASS MEETING TIMES: The exact class meeting days/times are generated based on the days/times students select when registering.  [See below.] 

REFUND: Registrants may "drop" the course within the 1st week and receive a full refund.

Scholarships available.  
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For which GBC Z'man would you like to register?  *
For which level would you like to register?  *
How many levels of GBC have you completed already?   *
Email *
Title *
First Name *
Last Name *
Section *
The class is planned to meet 2 times per week and will be scheduled according to the preferences of class registrants.  Please select which DAYS would be your FIRST choice for meeting.  [Please select 3 or more days.] *
Please select which DAYS would be your SECOND choice for meeting.  [Please select 3 or more days.] *
If the class were to meet on SUNDAYS, during which windows of time is your preferred class START TIME?  [Please select any that apply].  Please NOTE:  Times are EST.
If the class were to meet on WEEKDAYS, during which windows of time is your preferred class START TIME?   [Please select any that apply.].  Please NOTE:  Times are EST.
Is there a day or a time (or window of time) that definitely does NOT work for you? *
What is your local time when it is 12PM in New York? *
Cell Number *
Would you like to meet over ZOOM with R' Radner to discuss goals for the course or particulars about the course?   *
Are you a regular YU donor? *
How did you hear about Gemara Boot Camp?
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Any concerns or questions?
Promo Code  [If you do not have a promo code, type "NA".] 
Did you already submit payment by paying for multiple levels at one time?  *
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