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Student Ambassador Signup
We are so excited for you to be a part of THE Idaho Period Project Team!
We will reach out to connect with you!
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to save your progress.
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Your email
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Preferred Email address:
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Phone Number
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What school do you currently attend?
Your answer
What grade are you in?
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
What are you most interested in?
Idaho Period Project Student Ambassador Event (more info to come soon)
Participating in a period product drive
Participating in packing Period Packs
Talking to your administrator to get Dispensers in the bathroom at your school.
Writing to Legislators and Senators to support an introduction of a bill in support of Period Product Dispensers in K-12 school bathrooms.
Not sure yet, but I am excited to get involved!
Are you interested in earning a
Service and Empowerment Award?
Every year you can earn the Service and Empowerment Award by completing five "Empowerment Tasks" throughout the school year. You can earn this award each year that you participate in at least five Empowerment Tasks.
Do you know of other students at your school that are interested in being part of the Student Ambassador Program? If yes, please share this form with them!
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