Millis Public Schools Annual Staff Training
Each section of this form contains links to the documents or videos associated with that portion of the training. Some sections contain an affirmation statement, to which the trainee must agree or disagree.
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Click this link to view the nondiscrimination policy. It will open in a new window. Once you finish reviewing the document you can close that window to return to this form. 
Equal Access to Education
Click this link to view the Equal Access to Education policy. It will open in a new window. Once you finish reviewing the document you can close that window to return to this form.
Equal Educational Opportunities
Click this link to view the Equal Educational Opportunities policy. It will open in a new window. Once you finish reviewing the document you can close that window to return to this form. 
Non-discrimination, Equal Access and Equal Educational Opportunity Affirmations *
I understand that Millis Public Schools  does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or homelessness. This extends to students, staff, the general public, and individuals with whom it does business. In Millis Public schools every student will be given equal access opportunity in school admission, admissions to courses, course content, guidance, and extracurricular and athletic activities.
The Committee’s policy of nondiscrimination will extend to students, staff, the general public, and individuals with whom it does business. *
Please indicate: True or False (use same capitalization as you see to the left)
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