The ongoing public health crisis (COVID-19) is affecting the lives of people all over the world, including Cantabrigians. We want to know how YOU have been affected. If you're a resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts, consider this a chance to add your voice to the historical record. Tell us about how your work life has been changed, what precautions you are or are not taking, and how you’re coping with crisis.*

By submitting this form, you give the Cambridge Historical Society permission to publish your responses under the name you provide and to add your responses to their respective archival collections.

Note that most questions below are optional. Please answer as you see fit.

*Since our first release of this questionnaire, things have changed. While the goal of this project —to document the lives of Cantabrigians during COVID-19—remains the same, we recognize that the current social unrest due to racial injustice intersects with the ongoing public health crisis. If those experiences overlap for you, feel free to share that here.

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During this time, are you working in-person, remotely, or not at all? What is your occupation?
How are you coping with the ongoing public health crisis? How have your feelings changed since mid-March?
What do you miss most about everyday life in Cambridge?
What is the first place in Cambridge you want to visit when it feels safe to do so?
How would you describe the atmosphere in Cambridge right now?
When this is over, what do you want life in Cambridge to be like on the other side? How do you want Cambridge to change for the better?
What have you learned from 2020 so far?
What is something you want people in the future to know about your experience?
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
What is your age? *
What is your gender?
What are your pronouns?
What is your zip code? *
What Cambridge neighborhood do you live in? *
Name (optional)
Email (optional)
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