Season 6 Fan Celebration Volunteer Sign-Up
Thank you so much for volunteering to help with our virtual finale party! At this party, we'll be doing volunteering a little differently: Unless you're helping with a specific event or locations, you'll be free to move around between rooms any time you'd like to and be helpful wherever you are.

You'll be equipped with special volunteer versions of all the room backgrounds so you can be identified, and you'll have co-host powers.

As a volunteer, your job will be to be the best kind of party guest. Your duties will be simple but important:
 • Being kind and welcoming to others, especially new fans or those who haven't attended an event before.
 • Familiarizing yourself with basic Zoom functions and the event setup/schedule so you can be helpful if others are confused, and directing people to the Medina Station Help Desk if they need further help.
 • Setting your own virtual background to match the room's theme whenever you arrive in a new room, and encouraging others to do so. This creates the party's atmosphere!
• Helping facilitate good conversations by encouraging others to take turns to speak, bringing the conversation back to someone if they're interrupted, and cutting off disrespectful conversations or arguments.
 • Being aware of the book spoiler rules for the room you're in and redirecting conversation if it gets spoilery where it shouldn't.
 • Using your co-host power to ban a guest if they're being rude or inappropriate. This has never happened before, but it's good to have the option just in case.

 the virtual half of our Season 6 party. Like at last year's virtual event, our focus as volunteers will be on helping each person enjoy this virtual space as if it were a live event. We'll host the themed breakout rooms, keeping conversation fun and respectful and making sure every guest is welcomed and included.

If you feel comfortable assisting others technically with Zoom, taking a shift at the virtual help desk will also make a great difference.

Put much more simply: We need people to hang out in each breakout room, being kind.

To make running this event as smooth as possible, you'll attend a 45-minute orientation and tech check to get used to the virtual space the day before.

A tip: We'll add realism to our breakout rooms by having virtual backgrounds so it looks like we're in the same space. It's especially useful for volunteers have good lighting and background setup. This is made a whole lot easier by having a green/blue screen. I've been tacking a cheap blue sheet like this one to my wall to great effect: 
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What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
What times (Eastern Time) are you available on December 9th? *
Currently, the event starts at 6PM, but we've had lots of requests from friends in Europe to start a little bit earlier. If we can get enough volunteers together, we could move our start time by an hour or two and make people very happy. We are hoping that the first episodes will "drop" around midnight UTC so the group can split off to watch the first one via Amazon Watch Party and then come back to discuss it. We don't expect to party super late - virtual meetups are often more tiring than in-person ones! - but I'm including times through midnight just in case.
How many 1-hour shifts would you like to volunteer? *
Volunteering this year is super easy, and only very slightly different from being a guest yourself. All a regular volunteer needs to do is stay in one breakout room for an hour as the host, keeping conversation flowing, making sure each guest is welcomed when they arrive and included in conversation, and ensuring that any special breakout room rules (like spoilers) are followed. When it's time to change rooms, someone else will arrive to take your place in front of the same background and become the host, and you'll do the same for someone else. We will make sure each volunteer has time to circulate around the party freely and gets to host in variety of breakout rooms if they want to. You'll also have the power to move others between rooms and kick them out if need be, though we don't expect trouble.
Which types of breakout rooms are you interested being part of? *
Our breakout rooms will feature locations from the show. Remember, we won't get you stuck in any one room for a long time unless you want to stay there.
Will you be cosplaying at the event? *
We'd like to make this as immersive as possible, and volunteers in cosplay will make a big difference. You can do anything from full Martian power armor to a comfy Belter jumpsuit or the easy international business casual of the UN.
If you will cosplay, who will you cosplay as?
What's your experience level with Zoom? *
Please confirm that you'll attend volunteer orientation on Wednesday night. *
At the orientation, you'll make sure your technology setup is working, practice using Zoom's host functions, and learn anything specific you'll need for your role. If everyone arrives on time, we'll be out again in significantly less than 45 minutes.
Is there anything else you'd like the organizers to know?
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