QBWA: Speak Out 
Queer Black Women Alliance is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide a safe space for building healthy friendships and community, through social gatherings and community outreach. Our objective is to create diverse and inclusive safe spaces that can promote love and equality while encouraging others to find joy, peace, and pride in their identities and journeys.

If at any place or time any of our members feel uncomfortable or unsafe OR observe another person being made uncomfortable, we encourage them to speak out. The Queer Black Women Alliance operates on a strict Zero-Tolerance policy including, but not limited to: homophobia, racism, transphobia, queerphobia, biphobia, misogyny, harassment, xenophobia, classism, antisemitism, islamophobia and ableism. We reserve the right to ask any individual to leave a QBWA sponsored event and/or remove them from the organization.

If you experience any form of bullying, harassment, or discrimination at one of our events or are made to feel uncomfortable in any way, please feel free to approach any board member and/or contact the Community Relations Manager at queerblackwomenalliance@gmail.com. Click HERE for more information regarding our Zero-Tolerance policy.
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OPTIONAL: Your First and Last Name (Leave blank to be Anonymous)
Are you a member of QBWA? *

Name(s) or description of the individual(s) engaged in inappropriate behavior:


Name(s) of the individual(s) targeted by the inappropriate behavior (if you are a witness, otherwise put Self).

NOTE: If you have discussed the situation with the victim(s) and they requested to remain anonymous, please respect their wishes.


Description of the inappropriate behavior and scenario under which it occurred:

Date(s) and time(s) of the event(s): *

Any additional supporting evidence (Provide a description of any supporting evidence. Files and documentation will be requested during the investigation.):

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