The Black Canadian Creator Directory
Hi, there—before you fill this out, we wanted to let you know that this is a directory of Black Canadian creators, not Black Canadian businesses.

What we mean by that is that there are the creators—the people crafting stories for others to consume from their perspective. The people who have themselves as the product and constantly work to share of themselves to their audiences as they travel their life journeys. We're aware that many Black-owned businesses use social media to find new clients... but this isn't the place for that. There are so many stellar Black business directories already that we didn't want to step on anyone's toes with this project by emulating anything that's already out there.

This is the Black Canadian Creator Directory, built by creators, for creators. We hope you understand.

Thank you,

— Kaya, Casey & Sherley
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Creator Name *
Brand Name *
Brand Niche *
City/Town *
Province/Territory *
Website URL
Instagram URL
Facebook URL
Twitter URL
YouTube URL
Pinterest URL
TikTok URL
Twitch URL
Podcast Name
Podcast URL
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