ATP/SWTP Recruitment
Thank you for your interest in the Arizona Twin Project (Southwest Twin Panel)! Please read below to learn about opportunities to contribute to research and receive compensation (twins and their parents/guardians!).

The Arizona Twin Project is expanding into the Southwest Twin Panel, and we are currently recruiting twins and their families from New Mexico! Our team is led by Drs. Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant, Mary C. Davis, and Leah D. Doane, professors in the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University.

Our research aims to understand how genes and the environment affect how youth grow and stay healthy. We want to answer the question, “How do our genes and the environment affect the health of our minds and bodies as we grow up?”

Families are paid between $222 and $392 depending on the age of the twins and level of participation.

Important details:
1) All information we collect from you is completely confidential. We are located in the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University.
2) Twins between the ages of 11 and 20 years and their parents/guardians are eligible to participate.
3) We are funded by the National Institutes of Health, and our research is completely ethical and abides by the research code of conduct. More information about Arizona State University's research integrity and assurance and be found here:  
View our website to learn more about us:

Please answer the questions below to find out if you are eligible to join our study.
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Are you a twin or the parent/guardian of twins? *
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