Saltash And District Camera Club. Membership Form 2024-2025

If you are having difficulties please email or speak to Louise at Club.

For Family Memberships please both fill out a form with your individual details but make one single payment to the treasurer, Dave. Thank you.

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Name *
Address *
Are you happy for your address to be shared to other members of the club? *
Email *
Are you happy for your email address to be shared with other club members? *
Home Phone number
Are you happy for your home number to be shared with other club members?
Mobile Phone Number - Useful for Field Trips *
Are you happy for your Mobile to be shared with other club members? 
For safety numbers will be made available to the field trip co-ordinator 

Use of data:  The Club will only use your data for administration and information purposes but please note it has no control over the contact lists of its members.

Please see the Privacy Policy online.

By joining the Club you accept that your images may be published on the Club’s website, social media, and entered into inter-club competitions. You retain the copyright to your images.


 Single Adult Membership 

 £50 in September 

 Family Membership 2 adults 

 £70.00 in September 

Preferred method of payment: electronic payment (internet, BACS etc.)

Bank: Lloyds TSB   Account name: S&DCC    Sort Code: 30 - 12 - 74   

Account No: 02115368      

Reference:  Your Name

Once paid, please email the Treasurer to confirm your payment and the amount.

If you wish to pay by cheque, please contact the treasurer for details.

Year of Joining -  If in Past 3 Years
Method of Payment
Date of Payment *
In light of a medical emergency either within a club meeting or on a field trip we need to be able to contact someone on your behalf. Please provide the details of the person you would like us to contact if an emergency occurs and their contact details. A mobile is probably the best number to enter. Emergency contact details will be shared with the field trip co-ordinator. If the secretary or field trip co-ordinator are not in attendance when an emergency arises details will be made available to the person in charge of club event.

Emergency Contact Name and Relationship to you *
Emergency Contact Telephone Number *
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