Overview of women-led enterprises in the Adriatic-Ionian Region - AI-NURECC Plus survey
State of the art of services and supports available to women-led enterprises by macro-regional public bodies

The Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce (Forum AIC) and the Montenegro Chamber of Economy, are organising the 13th Congress on Women's Entrepreneurship, this year in the framework of the AI-NURECC Plus Initiative, on the 10th of October, in Budva (Montenegro).The event brings together a vast community of actors from across the Adriatic and Ionian area: experts, institutional representatives, entrepreneurs and stakeholders, all of whom are devoted to the development of women’s entrepreneurship. This year Congress will be hosted in the broader context of the “Conference on the Economy of Montenegro", organised by the Montenegro Chamber of Economy.
The Congress, focusing on the most eminent initiatives enhancing women's entrepreneurship, aims to provide an interregional perspective on the best practices and challenges prevailing in increasing the economic empowerment of women and entrepreneurial activities in the Adriatic and Ionian Region. The key topics of this Congress Edition will be women's empowerment for business development with a focus on the role of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics); breaking down the traditional gender working barriers.

In this context, it is relevant to develop a survey investigating the state-of-the-art of services and support available to women-led enterprises by macro-regional public bodies, represented by all members of AI NURECC Plus partners, i.e. chambers of commerce, cities, regions, and universities.

The survey is based on the priorities present in the 2030 Agenda and the indications of the European Commission and the UN regarding support for female entrepreneurship.
To better validate the data that will be obtained, desk research on official sources (UNWTO and the World Bank) is also planned to give a more demographic point of view.

NOTE THAT The results of this survey will be presented at the Congress in Budva, and an official report will subsequently be published through the channels of the AIC Forum and the AI NURECC Plus project.
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