Spokane Stake - Self-Reliance Group Registration - Fall 2021
Individuals may register for an upcoming Self-Reliance group course. The will last 10-12 weeks and will start on Tuesday Sep. 7th, or Thursday Sep. 9th.

Please fill out the personal information on this form. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the “Church”) collects this information in order to (1) provide you support as you participate in a self-reliance group and share your progress with your ecclesiastical leaders, (2) track your progress so you can receive your completion certificate, (3) allow other group members to contact you as needed, and (4) inform you about
upcoming Self-Reliance group events. By providing your personal information, you authorize the Church and its affiliated entities to collect this information, process it. If you ever find that your information is not correct, you can ask to update it. Your information will be used in accordance with the Church’s records management and confidentiality policies that can be viewed at churchofjesuschrist.org/legal/privacy.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Salutation *
First Name *
For additional family members please fill out a separate registration. The link will be available after this form is submitted.
Last Name
Mobile Phone Number *
I believe I would like to attend the following group: *
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