Massachusetts Early Childhood Coordinators Administrative Leadership Institute Registration
AnLar, through a contract with the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)’s Office of Special Education Planning and Policy Development, is offering a yearlong (August 2024 - June 2025), no cost, Early Childhood Coordinators Administrative Leadership Institute (ECLI) for individuals currently working as Early Childhood Special Education Coordinators in a Massachusetts public school. This Institute is designed to equip early childhood special education leaders with tools to improve student outcomes and foster family and community engagement while remaining compliant with regulations and aligning to best practices in the field.

Only 30 participants will be accepted, so it is important to apply as soon as possible.

This institute has both virtual and in-person components. Participants will participate in regularly scheduled virtual presentations, discussions, and community of practice calls. There will be three required in-person meetings at the Warren Conference Center in Ashland, Massachusetts. The dates of these in-person events are:
  • October 24 - October 25, 2024
  • January 23 - January 24, 2025
  • June 5 - June 6, 2025
The total estimated time for participants to attend/complete the synchronous meetings, asynchronous activities, and the in-person conference is 71 hours over the course of the institute. Each participant will also be responsible for designing and implementing a Capstone Project.

High Priority: NA Districts; NI Districts; NSI (Chronically Underperforming) Districts; Chronically Underperforming Schools; Applied but not accepted last year; Number of IEP meetings; Role – ETL; and Diversity - district types, district location, grade(s), district size, roles.

Lower Priority: LEAs that participated last year - except districts with accountability concerns; Low IEP count/year - being careful not to exclude small districts all together; Non-ETL Special Education Teachers
Balance: New & Experienced ETLs; Application narrative elements - types of strengths/challenges, strong/weaker communication style, excited/frustrated, etc.; Applicants who showed a sustained level of interest in the program & will benefit the ongoing community of practice; and LEAs that typically get excluded, e.g., Martha’s Vineyard, Foxborough.

Not accept: Out of state applicants; Private schools; and Collaboratives.

Please share information about your potential participation with your supervisor and ensure that you are able to commit to the Institute prior to completing the application. To apply online, please fill out the application below by Monday, July 1, 2024. Once your application has been reviewed and approved, you will receive a confirmation email about your acceptance with important details about the Institute.

We are looking forward to meeting you and providing you with the opportunity to engage with each other, learn from one another and the Institute faculty, and develop new professional connections.

For more information about the Institute, contact Elizabeth Colin at or Monica Yudron at
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