Meter Gas Monetization Program Application
The core objective of the Meter Gas Monetization program is growth and adoption of Meter
Network as a public goods platform.

The program focus on two key network adoption metrics for Meter – Transaction Volume and User base.

The program will reimburse a PORTION of all gas fees incurred on the Meter Network by the dApp smart contracts.

Detailed Proposal available on Meter Forum
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Project *
Name of the project
Brief Introduction *
Provide a brief introduction of your project/solution you are building outlining technology, community served, problem addressed and more!
Category *
Integration with Defillama *
If your current deployment is integrated with Defillama, provide the link

Mention 'NA' if not applicable.
Deployed on Meter Mainnet? *
Please proceed with the application only if you have deployed on Meter Mainnet
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