New member application
The District 106 Educational Foundation is a 100% volunteer organization made up of parents in the district. We plan fun events for the Highlands community and all of the money raised goes to enrich our kids’ education. Some of our events include: Fall Golf Outing/Social, Movie Night, Bob Barnes Basketball Tournament, Trivia Night, Boosterthon Fun Run & Spring Social event. We also rely on private donations and corporate sponsorships.
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Email *
Name *
Phone # *
Grades of your children (Please mark all that apply) *
Names of your children *
Have you ever attended any of our events (Please select all that apply) *
Golf Outing/Fall Social
Movie Night
Bob Barnes Basketball Tournament
Trivia Night
Obstacle Course
Spring Social
Why are you interested in joining the Foundation? *
How did you hear about joining our Foundation? *
Monthly meeting are a requirement.  Will you be able to attend our monthly meetings held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm? *
Any other information you would like to share with us? ie: special talents, trades, skills, experiences, etc
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