Wild Writing Teacher Training Application
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Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number
How did you hear about the training?
Have you ever taken a Wild Writing class with Laurie? If so, when?
How did the class effect you and your writing?
What is your experience with writing? Are you a writer or a writing teacher?
What interests you about the training?
Are you thinking about running Wild Writing groups? Tell me a little about that.
Do you already work within a field like therapy or coaching and are considering using the tool of Wild Writing within the work you already do? Say a little about that.
If accepted, I agree to the no refund policy as stated. [As I’ll only be taking on 10 people to work with me, every seat is important. So make sure this is a fit for you before you sign up. Let the power of your commitment pull you forward, and get on the phone with me if you have questions.] *
If accepted, I agree to complete payment in full or via payment plan for this course. *
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