Creative Writing Club Registration Form
If you would like to be a member of the Creative Writing Club at the University of Waterloo, please fill out this club registration form with the required information.

Club activities include weekly writing sessions where members can have a quiet place to do some creative writing, as well as poetry / short story reading nights where members can read works they are proud of. There will also be an award ceremony at the end of each term where members can vote for the best works written that term.

You can join our discord here:
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What is your first and last name? *
What are your preferred pronouns? *
For example: she/her, he/him, they/them
What is your University of Waterloo Email Address? *
Your email is needed so we can forward any updates or information about club events.
What is your WatIAM ID? *
Your WatIAM ID is needed so we can provide a members list to WUSA.
What is your student ID number? *
Your student ID number is also required to provide a members list to WUSA.
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