PCC Confidential Services Survey
This is a voluntary survey. The information provided helps us learn how to improve our services. It is anonymous and confidential. A summary of anonymous responses will be shared with the funding agency that supports confidential advocacy services at PCC through a grant project.  
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Is this your first time receiving confidential advocacy services at PCC? *
The services provided by the advocate helped me make informed choices about my situation.
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After working with the advocate, I have some new ideas about how to stay safe.
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After working with the advocate, I know more about the resources that may be available, including how to access them.
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How did you become aware of these advocacy services? 
After working with the advocate, I am better able to evaluate my legal options.
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After working with the advocate, I have a better understanding of what my options are regarding reporting my situation to the school or law enforcement.
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I was treated with dignity and respect by the advocate.
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I received services in a manner appropriate to my identity/background (for example- received culturally appropriate resources, felt that the advocate was culturally aware, etc.)
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Can you share with us about what could have improved your experience, and/or what went well with your experience working with the advocate?
The following information helps us understand more about who we are serving. If you wish to provide this information, please check all that apply.
Race/Ethnicity - please check all that apply
We apologize if your identities were not listed above. Would you please share your identity here?
Gender Identity
We apologize if your gender identity was not listed above. Would you please share your identity with us?
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Other Identities
If you have chose "identity not listed" please share your identity below.
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