Golden Bay Community Arts Council Survey 2024
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Your responses will help the GBCAC to improve how it supports creativity with our region. 
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What Artform do you primarily practice? *
What other Artforms are you involved in? (Choose as many as you require)
Do you belong to a group of creatives? *
How connected do you feel to other creatives in the region? *
I have very little contact with other creatives
I am an active member of the creative community
What do you feel are the advantages of being a creative in Golden Bay? *
What do you feel are the DIS-advantages (or challenges) of being a creative in Golden Bay? *
What is the best way to inform you about offerings (workshops, retreats, events, gatherings) produced by GBCAC? (Choose as many as you require) *
Have you looked at the GBCAC website ( *
How would you rank the website as being useful/informative to the regions creatives?
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Which of the following do you feel would make the GBCAC website more useful for our regions creatives? (Choose as many as you require) *
How would you rank the GBCAC presence on Facebook?
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Which of following do you feel limits you as a creative? (Choose as many as you require) *
GBCAC has recently completed a series of workshops. What workshops would you attend if offered to creatives in the future? *
How would you rank what GBCAC does for creatives in our community *
Has very little positive impact
Is a significant part of the creative community
Is there anything else you would like to share with the GBCAC?
Thank you!
Again we really appreciate your input. If you wish to discuss what the GBCAC does further please feel free to email to arrange a phone call or meeting:
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