Peña Azul Cascadia Membership 2024-2025
If you're interested in signing up for membership in the official supporters group for Real Oviedo in the Pacific Northwest, now's your chance! At this time, there is NO fee for membership, just an undying support for Real Oviedo. We're largely based in Portland, Oregon in the United States, but if you're anywhere in the Cascadia region, from way northern California all the way up to western Canada, you're more than welcome!

Names and contact information will be shared with the club, as is customary for all officially recognized peñas. Because there is pretty much zero chance of us getting on an away bus to a match, however, all fees are waived. If you want to be one of us, you probably already are!

We will send the membership list to the club and share information about watch parties before the season begins in August. Fingers crossed that ESPN+ televises them all for us!

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What are you interested in/looking for in a local Real Oviedo peña? (mark all that apply)
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