Soup Bowl Fundraiser Beneficiary Application

Clay Artisans of Moab (CLAM) – Soup Bowl Beneficiary Application Guidelines

Beneficiary organization must be a nonprofit organization with tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which operates within Grand County, Utah.

The selection of the Soup Bowl fundraiser beneficiary will be guided by our commitment to fostering community impact, equity, and sustainability. Eligible nonprofit organizations must operate within Grand County, Utah, and demonstrate how the funds will be used to directly benefit local Moab residents. Whether the funds are allocated for a specific, well-defined program or unrestricted to support the organization’s broader mission, applicants must clearly outline their intended use and the expected outcomes.

We prioritize initiatives that align with our values of nourishment, community, connection, and hope. Preferred projects/initiatives focus on youth engagement, art, food inequity, and sustainable food systems. Our goal is to uplift programs that improve the quality of life for families in Moab and support the non-profits that are doing good work within our community.

While unrestricted funds may be used for administrative costs such as salaries or rents, organizations must articulate how these expenses will contribute to achieving their goals and strengthening the community. By emphasizing these values and priorities, we aim to support initiatives that create meaningful, lasting change in Moab.

Expectations of beneficiary (we can work with you on these if necessary):
The Soup Bowl Fundraiser is a true labor of love. We, the Moab clay community, give extensive time, love, and energy over roughly 10 months, for the sole purpose of furthering your non-profit. In return, we expect the following from our beneficiary.
  • Promotion of the event at the beneficiary’s expense, through advertising, social media, press releases, flyers, etc. 

  • Provide at least 25 volunteers day of event (Event itself requires roughly 75 total volunteers)

  • Board members, at minimum, are expected to participate as volunteers at the event.

  • Solicit food donations and write thank you’s upon events completion.

  • Participation in bowl making and/or bowl decorating events 

  • Submit a post-use report within one year of the event covering the following:

    • Overview of the Use of Soup Bowl Funds: Provide a summary of how the funds were utilized. If the funds supported a specific project or program, describe what you set out to do, how you did it, and the results. For unrestricted funds, explain how they supported your organization’s overall mission and impacted the community.

    • Assessment of Goals and Objectives: Reflect on how you met (or didn’t meet) your goals and objectives. Highlight your successes, challenges, and any lessons learned during the process.

    • Financial Information: Include a financial report detailing how the funds were spent. For program-specific funding, provide a breakdown of income and expenses related to that program. For unrestricted funds, provide an overview of how the funds were allocated across your organization’s operations.

This reporting helps us understand the impact of the Soup Bowl funds and ensures continued accountability and transparency.

CLAM  Provisions:

  • Host bowl making and decorating events, producing roughly 500 bowls

  • Manage ticket sales 

  • Organize and direct event operations

  • Provide serving equipment for the event 

  • Organize and run coinciding silent auction 

  • Manage timeline of event

  • Assist the beneficiary on their contributing duties as necessary. Including but not limited to education in the following: food solicitation and regulations regarding, and promoting the event.

Applications Due Friday February 28, 2025
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Applicant Contact Information and Organization Statistics
Organization Name *
Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone Number *
Organizations Social Media Handles *
Number of staff (full and part time) *
Number of Board Members *
Number of average volunteers *
Is this program under the umbrella or fundraising arm of another organization? If so, which one?  *
How long has your non-profit been active in the Moab community? *
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