Roadmap to U.S. market entry
Attendees will learn about the valuable tools the SelectUSA Program provides to foreign investors. These include tailored assistance for companies and startups, including location selection, how to open a bank account in the U.S., and introductions to Economic Development Organizations to execute U.S. investment plans.
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Name of your company:
Field of activity of your company:
Participants' name: (maximum 3 persons/ company)
Telephone number:
Do you already have a business relationship with the United States?
The BCCI would like to inform participants that guidelines for handling their personal data (including name, signature, mobile number, and email address), as well as any images or audio recordings provided for event participation, are contained within the BCCI's Data Protection Regulation, the AmHunCham and the U.S. Embassy in Hungary Privacy Policy, which are attached to the event announcement. The BCCI's Data Protection Regulation is also available on the BCCI's website.
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