On October 25, Yeshiva University leadership announced the creation of a new initiative, Kol Yisrael Areivim, intended for LGBTQ+ students. This initiative was created without the knowledge of any LGBTQ+ students at YU, student leaders, and the Office of Student Life, despite following shortly after the initiation of open, good-faith dialogue between YU leadership and LGBTQ+ students. As supporters of YU, we respectfully ask YU leadership to listen to its LGBTQ+ students so this conflict can be resolved peacefully and privately and so LGBTQ+ Jews will get the full recognition and support they deserve in their Jewish communities. Specifically, we ask for the following:
- Dissolve the new Kol Yisrael Areivim club, as no LGBTQ+ students were involved in or consulted about its creation.
- Re-enter dialogue with the Pride Alliance.
- Commit to full transparency and cooperation with the Pride Alliance in finding a new solution, including the following:
- Naming specific objections to the Pride Alliance’s proposals.
- Clearly and specifically delineating the requirements the Pride Alliance needs to meet to earn approval from YU administration and the Office of Student Life.
- Clearly and specifically delineating the requirements any potential Pride Alliance events and initiatives need to meet in order to earn approval.
If you are a donor to YU or any of its institutions, and wish to sign the letter in that capacity as well, you may do so at
Guidelines for signing:
1. Please only fill out this form if you are a current student, alumna/us, faculty, or staff member of a YU school or institution.
2. Please use your full name.
3. Please do not use pseudonyms.
4. Please include all YU schools you attended or are affiliated with.
5. Please bear in mind that this letter will be able to be viewed by the public, and that we are collecting emails for spam prevention purposes.