Application for The Kitty Bodega
Retail Sales Associate

Job description: You will be responsible for answering questions customers have regarding their cats and will be expected to be able to make recommendations that are in line with The Kitty Bodega's core values. You will be responsible for checking customers out, bagging merchandise neatly, keeping track of inventory, restocking shelves from back-stock, keeping merchandise pulled forward and front facing, taking out trash, sweeping, mopping, bathroom cleaning, keeping the sidewalk clear of obstructions and trash, keeping the store clean, and clear of uninviting odors and debris. You will use downtime to learn about cats, cat health, cat behavior, cat enrichment and much more. You will often work alone and be expected to handle opening and closing duties confidently.
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Email *
Rate your understanding of the job description.  *
Name *
Best Contact Number *
Current Home Address (Street, Apt. #, City, State, Zip) *
Email Address *
In your own words, please explain why you want to work at The Kitty Bodega. *
What experience do you have with cats? Be as detailed as possible including current or past pets, health scares, etc. *
Please list relevant work experience such as working with pets, working in retail, etc. Include business name, length of time working there, and the name and phone number of a manager who may be called as a reference. If none, please move to the next section. 
Please list non-relevant work experience with references. 
Rate your overall knowledge of cats *
I have never had a cat and know nothing about them.
I have always had cats and know more than most people.
Rate your enthusiasm for learning. *
I prefer to be more laid back and learn as I go.
I am always learning something because I have a thirst for knowledge.
How much are you looking to be paid for this job? Explain why. *
In your best estimation, how much do you think we sell cats for? *
Are you able to lift or move boxes weighing up to 30lbs? *
What is your learning style?  *
Rate your work style. *
I'm generally independent and work best alone.
I thrive in team environments and work best when I am not alone.
In your own words what is the difference between constructive criticism and criticism. *
Give an example of a time when you felt that a manager's guidance could have been delivered more constructively.  *
List any concerns you have about this job or your abilities. *
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