Mr. LaBrash's Parent Questionnaire
Parent Questionnaire
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Email *
Your child's first and last name *
Your child's date of birth *
Mother's name, email address, and other contact information *
Please include any of these means of contact that you are available: email address (the one most regularly checked, home phone number (H), cell phone number (C), and work phone number (W).
Father's name, email address, and other contact information *
Please include any of these means of contact that you are available: email address (the one most regularly checked, home phone number (H), cell phone number (C), and work phone number (W).
Does your child have any health concerns that you would like me to be aware of ? *
eg. allergies, Does he/she wear glasses or take medication?
Your child's interests and extra curricular activities *
eg. your child's favourite pastimes/hobbies, team activities, extracurricular activities
Please write a short paragraph to help me get to know your child. *
eg. Areas where your child has experienced success or difficulties at school in the past (eg. social, emotional, intellectual, physical); Your hopes for your child this year; Any special concerns or additional comments.
Are you available and interested in volunteering at the school or in your child's class? *
If you are able to and would like to volunteer, please outline what your interests and availability would be.
Thank you for filling out this questionnaire.  It is very helpful and appreciated.
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