Subscribe a Prisoner to The Abolitionist by Critical Resistance
Do you have a friend, comrade, loved one, or pen pal locked up in jail, prison or a detention center who is interested in abolition? Would you like to support them with a free subscription to Critical Resistance's newspaper, The Abolitionist?
Add their information below and they will receive three free issues of The Abolitionist newspaper per year.
The Abolitionist is a publication by Critical Resistance dedicated to the strategy and struggle of prison industrial complex (PIC) abolition. Each issue is packed with critical analysis of the prison industrial complex, reflections and lessons from our struggles organizing for abolition and liberation, and resources for people inside jails, prisons and detention centers.
The Abolitionist newspaper is bilingual, available in both English and Spanish, and is FREE TO ALL PRISONERS.
**Once you have signed them up, please make sure to notify them that you signed them up for a subscription to The Abolitionist newspaper.**