AAWBC Committee Intake form
Welcome to AAWBC! Thank you for your interest in serving on one of our committees. To help us ensure a mutually beneficial experience, we'd love to get to know you and share some information with you about committee roles. 
Please fill out the entire form and click submit. Someone from our Leadership Team will follow up with you. 
For questions please email us: admin@aawbc.org

AAWBC Leadership Team
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Age  *
What is your current professional title? *
Are you an entrepreneur or employed elsewhere? Please state the name of your company, or employer. *
Are you currently serving as a volunteer anywhere else? If so, please state your volunteer title and role and where you're volunteering.  *
How many hours a month do you already commit to volunteering elsewhere? *
Please select the committee you are interested in volunteering with. *
We love to publicize our Committee members and their work! Can we use your photo to share updates on our social media/newsletter?  *
Based on the committee you selected above, what skills do you hope to contribute?  *
Based on the committee you selected above, what skills do you hope to gain?  *
Are you able to commit 1-3 hours per month for your role? *
Are you able to commit to 3-6 months for your role? *
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