AFYT Bravo Troupe Registration 2021-2022
The mission of American Fork Youth Theater is to provide a safe, fun, engaging environment for children to learn musical theater skills and to experience the magic of showcasing those skills on stage. Bravo Troupe will learn and perform a pre-show for AFYT's productions in January and March.

CLASS DESCRIPTION: Bravo Troupe is a beginning musical theater skills class for children who are in Kindergarten - 2nd grade. Bravo Troupe will learn and perform a pre-show for AFYT's production of Freaky Friday in January and Seuss Kids in March.

PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT:  Participants agrees to use appropriate behavior, work hard and take direction. Respect for theater, school and city property is essential. AFYT participants damaging any props, costumes, etc. or other participant's belongings will be held financial responsible.

DRESS: Participants agree to wear modest clothing that can move freely. Appropriate dance shoes may be recommended. Tennis shoes are acceptable. Sandals or flip flops should not be worn.

COVID POLICY: We will follow current state and city guidelines. Any participants who show symptoms of illness must stay home. If they come to class with symptoms, a parent will be called.

ATTENDANCE & SCHEDULE:  Participants are expected to attend classes and performances. Class will be held on Thursdays from 4-5 p.m. at the Am. Fork Veteran's Hall (53 N. Center) Second semester  will run Jan. 27 - March 17.  Additional classes may be called as needed. March performances will be on the 17th, 18th and 19th.

PUNCTUALITY: Participants must arrive and be picked up on time. Staff members have obligations which prevent them from waiting with the children beyond the end of class.

MEMORIZATION: All lines and songs should be memorized asap. Parents are expected to check on/help with their child's memorization.

TUITION:  Full tuition of $120 for 1st Semester only,  $90 for 2nd semester only or $180 for both is a payment option. If a monthly payment plan is needed, please let Koreen know. Full tuition is due regardless of absences or how many classes are held each month. Tuition can be paid by check, made payable to Timpanogos Arts Foundation, or cash and brought to class. Online payment link (convenience and service fees applied): No additional fee for costumes.

** Class subject to cancellation if enrollment does not reach 5 students**

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Participant Name *
Participant's Grade in School *
Parent(s) Name *
Parents Cell Number *
Address *
Parent Email *
Emergency Contact Name/Phone *
I am registering my child for: *
Photo Waiver - I give permission for AFYT to use my child's photo for advertising *
I understand and agree to all of the conditions for participation as stated above. I also understand that violating these conditions may result in dismissal from the program without a refund. I agree to discuss these conditions with my child. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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