Baby Dedication Form

Thank you for your interest in dedicating your child to the Lord! Baby dedication is a special moment to publicly commit to raising your child in the ways of the Lord. It is also an opportunity for the church community to join you in prayer and support as you embark on this journey. Please complete the form below to request a date for your baby’s dedication during one of our services.

We base baby dedication on biblical examples such as Hannah’s dedication of Samuel to the Lord in 1 Samuel 1:27-28 and Jesus’ dedication in the temple (Luke 2:22). This act is not a means of salvation but a commitment by the parents to raise their child in a God-honoring way, relying on His guidance and grace.

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Email *
Parent(s) Full Name(s)
(First and Last Names of both parents or guardians)
Contact Information
(Email address and phone number)
Child’s Full Name
(First, Middle, and Last Name)
Child’s Date of Birth
Requested Date for Dedication
(Please list two Sunday options if possible)
Will you have extended family or special guests attending?
(Number of guests attending)
Why do you want to dedicate your child to the Lord?
(Share your heart and intentions for this special moment.)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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