Spokes tramline crashes survey
We are sorry to hear of your tramline bike crash and hope you are feeling better and any injuries improving.

We would be most grateful if you would complete this survey about your crash.  The results will be used to help identify the different types and causes of tramline crashes, as well as blackspots.  We will use the information to argue for improvements and to advise cyclists of particular dangers.  All public use of the information will be anonymous unless we specifically ask your permission, as explained in the final questions below.
  • If you get a message below asking you to sign in to google, that is entirely optional
  • The red asterisk refers to questions in the survey which must be answered
  • At the end of the survey, click the submit button, or we will not get your responses
  • If your crash was quite recent, one or two questions about the future may be a bit tricky.  We have tried to include suitable choices, but read them all and tick the box nearest to what you expect
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. What date did your crash happen?  If you cannot remember the exact day or month, please put your best guess *
1a. In the above question, was that the exact date? *
2. Approximately, what time of day did the crash happen? (please use 24-hour clock e.g. 19:00 for 7pm) *
3. Before the crash happened, in which tramline direction were you cycling? *
4. At the time of the crash, which of the following applies? *
5. Location of crash, as precisely as you can remember.  Give the street name then e.g. adjacent/ opposite house number/ such and such building/ about 10m before Princes Street tram stop, etc *
5a. If possible, please also specify the location (as near as you can remember) using what3words.  For example, go to https://what3words.com/year.nest.fully; navigate on the map to your crash location; click on the location; then note the 3-word code for the location and enter it here (for example, year.nest.fully)
6. Please describe the road conditions. *
7. Was it daytime or dark? *
8. Please describe the traffic conditions. *
9. Were traffic or pedestrians related to your crash? *
10. Did you skid on the lines, or get a wheel trapped?
11. Details of crash. Please say exactly what happened, including more details on any of the above questions (use as much space as you need).   Do not include injuries and damage as they will be covered in the following questions. *
12. Please tell us about severity of injuries as a consequence of the crash *
12a. Did your injuries prevent you cycling for a while (this is about your injuries, not your confidence - we will ask about confidence later) *
12b. If you wish to say more about injuries, please do so here
13. How did the crash affect your confidence in getting about by bike? [If you were injured, think of the time after your injuries heal sufficiently to cycle again] *
14. Does the crash alfect your choice of route now? *
15. If your bike was damaged, estimate the likely rough cost of repairs (or exact if known) *
15a. If you wish to say more about bike damage or repair/replacement cost, do so here
16. If any clothes were damaged, estimate the likely rough cost of repair or replacement (or exact if known) *
17. What action have you taken since your crash, or intend to? Please select all that apply *
18. Is there anything else you would like to add about your crash or the above questions?
19. Before your crash, how often did you cycle along the road where your crash happened? *
20. Tell us about your general level of confidence cycling in traffic (on roads without tramlines). Select whichever is closest. *
21. Tell us about how you typically cycle on the roads in town.  Select whichever is closest. *
About You
The following questions are optional but will help us to report tramline crash information more fully and to contact you if necessary
22. Gender
Clear selection
23. Age
Clear selection
24. Name - this will only ever be used with your permission (including if you tick Yes in Q26 below)
25. Contact email - will only be used to send or request further tramline crash info, or as in Q26 below
26. Very occasionally a researcher, reporter or similar asks to speak to a tramline crash victim, sometimes at fairly short notice.  Would you be happy to do this?
Clear selection
We use these reports to help identify the causes of crashes, and how they can be reduced in the future. Thank you for contributing to this.

Finally, if you have any comments on this questionnaire please enter them here, but note that they may not be read immediately.
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