DORA Website Accessibility Feedback Form
For feedback on website accessibility for, please contact us using this online form below.

If you have issues accessing any of our materials; one of the file formats prevent you from accessing the information; or you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, please contact DORA’s ADA Coordinator by utilizing this form.  In order to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please provide as much detail as possible, including:
 - The nature of the accessibility problem encountered,
 - The URL (web address) of the page or pages in question,
 - The specific information sought, and
 - The individual’s email address for a response.
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First Name:
Last Name:
Phone #
Email: *
To which division at DORA are you providing accessibility feedback?
Type of Feedback : *
The URL (web address) of the page or pages in question: *
The specific information sought or other accessibility-related feedback: *
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