K9 Fit Club -- the fun way to get fit with your Fido!
Thanks for your interest in participating in a K9 Fit Club exercise class, the newest way to stay fit and healthy with your dog! I'm Diane Silver, a trained, certified K9 Fit Club instructor, and I'm offering group and private classes in the Atlanta area.

Every program is designed to ensure a safe, fun, and effective workout for both dog and owner. If you're interested in signing up for a class or organizing a class at your Atlanta area location, please fill out our form, below, and I'll contact you within a few days.

For more information on the national K9 Fit Club organization see http://k9fitclub.com.
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                                           Don't sit, get fit!
Work out with your best buddy!
Your name *
Your preferred phone number *
Work, home and/or cell
Your email address *
Best way and time to contact you *
Would you rather be contacted by phone or email?
Your dog's name, age, breed and weight if known *
Please include if your dog is overweight or has any physical limitations
Your dog's activity level *
Please check one
Your current activity level *
Please check one
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you or your dog's activity levels or physical limitations?
Has your dog ever been aggressive towards other dogs/animals/humans? *
If you answer “yes” this may prevent your dog participating in any K9 FITCLUB fitness training programs.
What are your fitness goals? *
Please tell us your goals and what interests you about a K9 Fit Club class
What days and times would you like to take a K9 Fit Club classes? *
We'll take your input and try to set classes at convenient times!
What types of classes are you interested in? *
Choose all that apply
How did you hear about us and K9 Fit Club?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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