What team did you play for at the end of last season?
Ladies 1s
Ladies 2s
Ladies 3s
Ladies 4s
Ladies 5s
Ladies 6s
Ladies 7s
What team would you like to play for this season? It is not guaranteed that you will play for this team, but we are wanting to know what your ambitions are and where you're wanting to play.
Ladies 1s
Ladies 2s
Ladies 3s
Ladies 4s
Ladies 5s
Ladies 6s
Ladies 7s
What are your long term hockey motivations and goals?
What do you like most about playing for NCHC?
Think about what you would miss if you moved to another club.
Your answer
What would you like us to improve on?
This could include training sessions, match days, teas, club cohesion, social events etc.
Your answer
When you attend training what do you want from it?
And if you don't currently attend training please tell us why.
Social events and fundraising
Please tell us social events you'd like to see, what would encourage you to come to these events or what prevented you coming last year (timings/cost/not your thing etc).
Your answer
Would you be interested in coming to our run club?
6.30pm on Tuesday from the Blackhorse followed by a social pint. All running speeds welcome!
Would you consider becoming an umpire?
You are paid £15 per game, and it is a very friendly and supportive environment. If you answer maybe/no please tell us why if you can.