Tell us how you're using the JavaScript API for GOV.UK Frontend

In GOV.UK Frontend v5.0 we're planning to remove public access to most of the methods currently provided as part of the JavaScript API for our components.

We're doing this because most of the methods are not designed to be called from outside of the component, and we want to clarify which parts of the API are public.

Please use this form to tell us if you're currently calling a method on a component other than the constructor or init function. We'll use this information when prioritising future additions to the public API.

If you call multiple methods or components, complete the form once for each usage.

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Which component are you interacting with?
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What is the name of the method you are calling?
Why are you calling the method?
Is there another change or improvement we could make to the component that would mean you would no longer need to call the method?
Any other comments?
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