EDA NM Rainforest University Center - Angel Investing 101
Complete this assessment to receive credit for viewing the December 2, 2021 New Mexico Rainforest EDA University Center Seminar, "Angel Investing 101" by New Mexico Angels President, Drew Tulchin. This quiz is based on both the seminar and the handouts. The recorded seminar and handouts are available at NMRainforest.com
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1. True or False? There are 2 different tax credits that NM tech companies are eligible for. *
2. What is a companies valuation? *
3. What is the definition of an "accredited investor." In other words, what are the requirements? *
4. List the 4 aspects of what a "typical angel deal" usually looks like. *
5. What are the 5 key things most angel investors look for when they are considering investing in a startup company? *
6. True or False? It's important for entrepreneurs to LISTEN to investors rather than to dominate the conversation trying to "pitch" their company to the investor. *
7. True or False? It's important to consult with a lawyer when you are starting your company and navigating angel investment possibilities. *
8. Where can entrepreneurs submit their companies/proposals to be reviewed by the New Mexico Angels? *
9. List a few other Angel organizations mentioned that you can engage with in addition the the NM Angels? *
10. What is a "pain point" and how do you determine what pain point your company is trying to solve? *
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