Register a Move Beyond Coal Action Team
One of the best and most rewarding ways to make positive change is by connecting and working with people in your local community. You don't need experience or expertise, just a willingness to connect with others and take action together for a better world. 

When you register a Move Beyond Coal Action Team, a volunteer will be in touch to support you with a step-by-step program to help get your team up and running. 

Still got questions? Get in touch with us at
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Are you a school student? 
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Email *
Phone number *
Federal Electorate you're in
Street Address of your Team *
This should be the street address where your team meets, NOT your personal address. A full address is required to map your team on the website. Feel free to choose a public library or similar if you don't have a regular place you will meet.
Suburb (of your Team) *
Postcode (of your Team) *
Team Name *
If you are part of an existing group, enter your group name e.g. Move Beyond Coal Greenslopes
Team Description
Tell us a little about who your team is and what you do? This will appear on your team's public webpage.
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