Interested in finding fellow attendees to share hotel rooms with during this year's ICAC 2017 Conference? If so, please fill out the information below!
Once you complete your information, you will be sent an email with information on how to access the document with other attendees' requests and information (this may take up to 72 hours). You can then contact other attendees with matching roommate requests to coordinate your hotel plans! Once you have found a match, please indicate within the document that you have been matched and are no longer interested in being contacted about room share options.
AN IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT SAFETY: Please note that, by filling out this form, you are providing permission to share your name, email address, and other information with others who fill out the form (i.e., anyone with a link to the results can view this information). This is an opportunity and service created for ICAC Conference attendees by ICAC Conference attendees in an effort to reduce financial strain, and has no formal connection to the ICAC. To that effect, while we are requesting an institutional email from everyone, ICAC is unable to verify participants’ identities, and ICAC is not responsible if the person you end up rooming with turns out to be difficult. Please be cautious and make sure you know who you are interacting with when coordinating room shares. We strongly encourage you to vet the people you are considering staying with. You are in no way obligated to room with someone who makes you uncomfortable in any way or with whom you do not feel safe.
Please note, by adding your name to the Roomshare form, this does not guarantee you a room reservation. You and your Roomshare partner(s) will still need to make your own room reservation.
Additionally, ICAC is not responsible for any room-shares that fall through last minute (i.e., due to weather, travel, etc.).