FCS Anonymous Bullying Report
Franklin County Schools takes acts of byllying seriously for students.  If you, or someone you know has been bullied, please use this anonymous form to report the act to the appropriate administrator.  This form does not track who sent the report.  For student bullying, the submitted report will then be forwarded to the appropriate school administrators for investigation.  If you wish to review the FCS Board of Education Policies involving bullying, please visit our policy manual at http://esbpublic.fcschools.net/
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Have you reported this incident to anyone in authority? (Examples: teacher, principal, staff member at school) *
Name of the person being bullied: *
Which school does the person being bullied attend *
Location of incident(s) *
Date(s) of alleged incident(s) *
Name of alleged bully: *
The alleged bully is a: *
I am a: *
Your name (optional):
Description of event (please be as specific as possible): *
Did you witness the event? *
Please list other staff, students, or parents who may have witnessed the event:
Additional comments:
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