Sanctuary Computer & XXIX - Director of Project Management job application
Thank you for your interest in the Director of Project Management role! We love chatting with candidates face-to-face, but as a small team, we need to use this somewhat impersonal form as a first step in finding people who may be a good fit for this role. Answers can be brief, as we'll discuss your experience in more detail during the interview process.
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
What are your pronouns? *
Where will you be working from? Please note, this role is only open to people working between Pacific Standard Time (UTC -8) and Central European Time (UTC +2). *
We're looking for people with at least 5 years of experience project managing design & development projects. Please share a bit about your experience in Project Manager roles: *
Please tell us about your experience managing projects in a client services environment (e.g., agency, consultancy, studio) and whether you've held client-facing roles: *
How much experience do you have managing projects with budgets below $200k?: *
How much experience do you have managing projects with budgets over $200k?: *
Tell us about your experience coaching others in project management roles (this can include formal management of Project Managers, teaching, or informal mentorship of colleagues): *
Do you have experience leading project staffing and resourcing for organizations with multiple projects and more than 10+ team members? *
What's a burning 🔥 question you have about our company or this role? *
Why we ask for Loom recordings.

Please record a brief (less than 5 minutes) Loom video walking us through your responses above (camera-off is fine) and share the URL below:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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