Temperature (Fahrenheit) - Please enter just the number. *
Your answer
Weather (Choose all that apply): *
Visitor Entry Counts
Provide total counts only. Take care not to double-count any person. Do include children observed in your total count.
Mode of Entry - Walking
Your answer
Mode of Entry - Running/Jogging
Your answer
Mode of Entry - Dogwalking
Your answer
Mode of Entry - Biking
Your answer
Mode of Entry - Skateboarding
Your answer
Mode of Entry - Recreational Scooters
Your answer
Mode of Entry - Other - list activity and count
Your answer
Did you see people enter the park with:
Point-In-Time Activities
Count everyone seen at one point in time, by the primary activity observed. Take care not to double-count any person. Do include children in your total counts.
Point-In-Time Activity - Sitting on Benches
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Biking
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Child Play
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Dog walking/playing
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Exercising
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Fishing
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Going to/from Ball Game
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Running/jogging
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Picnicking/Reading on Lawn
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Skateboarding/Scootering
Your answer
Point-in-Time Activity - Standing/Chatting
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Viewing/Sitting at Memorial
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Viewing Water
Your answer
Point-In-Time Activity - Walking
Your answer
Point-in-Time Activity - Did you see:
Any comments you’d like to share?
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.