Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools — Pedestrian Education Request Form
The Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools Program is funded by the Alameda County Transportation Commission ( Your transportation dollars at work!

Thanks for your interest in the Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools' Pedestrian Education Program. You can use this form to request a Safe Moves City Pedestrian Rodeo (outdoors activity) OR a Pedestrian Safety Workshop (indoors, assembly-style activity).

Please fill out the form below.
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Is your school enrolled in the Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools Program? *
School Name *
School Address *
School District *
School Principal's Name *
Main School Contact's Name *
Please provide the name of the person who will help us schedule and coordinate this event at your school.
Main School Contact's Phone Number *
Main School Contact's Email Address *
What is the best way to communicate with the main school contact? *
Please select the pedestrian education format you want to book. *
Please note, we can only book one format per school per school year.
Please enter your top three (3) preferred dates for booking your event. *
Please check the boxes next to the requirements below to indicate that your school can provide them. *
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