Introduction to Leadership Skills Training

🌟 Join Us for an Exciting Training Session on Leadership Skills! 🌟

We're thrilled to invite you to our upcoming training session on "Introduction to Leadership Skills", organized by JCI Beirut in collaboration with the renowned Patrick Moradian.

"Patrick Moradian holds a master’s degree in architecture and a core construction management certificate. He has worked on many real estate and retail projects as a consultant, client representative, contractor, and construction manager. He’s the founder of Me3margi. Me3margi is a key concept, a platform for understanding architecture applied to daily life needs for professionals and non-professionals."

Training Topic: Introduction to Leadership Skills 🚀

Date: Thursday May 9, 2024

Location: Epic Hub - Beirut 🏢 (

Time: From 6:00 PM till 8:00 PM 🕕


- JCI Members: FREE

- JCI Potential Members: 5$

- Non-JCI Members: $10 USD 💰 (If you bring a buddy: 15$ for two people instead of 20$)

To secure your spot, simply fill out the registration form below. Spaces are limited, so act fast!

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at 70173804 or 71172908. We're here to help!

Looking forward to seeing you there! 🌟

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Please note that payment must be made in advance, within 48 hours of registration.
Mariam Itani our treasurer will contact you for further details.
Kindly confirm your attendance
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