Student Mindset and Emotional Wellness Mastery with Sofie Hon
Are you ready to stretch, flex and discover the power of your mind?
Please fill in this application of interest and I will get back to you.
If you have any questions about this program you may put it in here too.
Please note that this application is not a confirmation of your coaching spot.
If you are applying for your child please include your child in answering the questions as much as possible.
Thank-you for taking the time to fill this up.

love, health and happiness
The Hearty Mind Coach
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Name of applicant
Name of parent (if applicant is below 21 years old)
Phone number (including country code) *
Why do you wish to embark on this program? *
It's great to be clear about your WHY. Here's what's included to help you get there.
The Student Mindset and Emotional Mastery Program is a 3-month program and includes:
- Clarity and goal setting session
- Total of 4 one-to-one private coaching sessions (60-90min) with Sofie (worth $800 each)
-       Mastering the 3 important Emotional Management Techniques for a blissful adolescence
- Customised journaling exercise

Is everything listed clear? If not, what questions do you have? *
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