DPNMI Registration Form
Become a member of the Democratic Party of the Northern Mariana Islands! Join Democrats across the Northern Mariana Islands in fighting for justice, equity, good governance, and accountability. Register today to become an official member of the CNMI Democratic Party!
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Email *
First Name *
Middle Name (optional)
Last Name  *
Date of Birth  *
Mailing Address *
Home Phone  *
Mobile Phone *
Members of the Democratic Party of the Northern Mariana Islands who are registered to vote in the CNMI are considered Active Members

Only Active Members can (1) vote during biennial General Membership Meetings; (2) serve on the Party's Central Executive Committee; and (3) vote in the Party-Run Presidential Primary. To ensure we register your Active Status, the mailing address you provide MUST match your CNMI voter record. 
Are you registered to vote in the CNMI? *
Please confirm your Election District. 
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If you would like more information about or would like to be considered for membership in one or more of the DPNMI's committees, please check the box(es) below. 
By digitally submitting this form, I agree to adhere to the principles of the Democratic Party of the Northern Mariana Islands and support its platform and bylaws. I understand the information given above may be used by the Party and its members for Party-related contact and informational purposes.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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