Suffering and the End of Suffering: Exploring our Passions & Fixations through the Enneagram - March 2023
Course Description:

“Why is life so hard? Why do I keep doing the same unskillful things over and over? How do I get my heart and mind to relax and find peace, stability and ease? I keep getting stuck in these old loops of thinking and feeling that stress me out. Help!”

In this course, we will explore the root of our suffering in order bring transformation and release to old, unhelpful habits. Each of us has a Passion (emotional pattern) that we come back to again and again that is the core ingredient of our whole personality. We also have a go-to mental fixation (thought pattern) that we become addicted to that creates stress. But it doesn’t have to be this way! 

With understanding, guidance, awareness and presence, we can transform these patterns into beautiful ways of thinking and feeling; we can move toward liberation! Join me and a community of other folks who are interested in using the Enneagram for healing and growth. When we do this work together, great things happen!

When: Four Tuesdays March 7, 14, 21, 28

Time: 6:30-8:00pm CST

Where: Zoom

Cost: $90 for Early Bird registration before Feb 22nd. $110 on or after Feb 22nd

Course Includes: Weekly teachings from a certified Enneagram teacher and coach, interactive learning through conversation, questions and exercises; guided meditations and mindfulness teaching, recordings of our weekly sessions

Please fill out this form completely and send me payment via PayPal ( or Venmo (@Chelsea-Forbrook). Once I have received your completed form and payment, you're all set! Make sure to mark your calendar for March 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 6:30-8:00pm CST. 

Email me at with any questions.

I will email you a Zoom link a few days before the first session. Thank you, and I look forward to exploring the Enneagram with you!
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Please send your payment via Venmo (@Chelsea-Forbrook) or through PayPal ( . Venmo is preferred. If you need to mail a check, you can email me for my address at
Thank you!
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